Hello there, readers.
IT'S BEEN A MINUTE. So, this is an ✨update blog✨.
Shortcut is: Republic Day, Exams, Holidays, Vacay, New class, New subjects, More homework, LESS BLOG.
I was busy with exams in march and then I went on vacation, then came grade 6, when EVS became science and science became social studies so, that's technically 4 extra subjects which means I be working my fingers to the bones
Participated in some extracurriculars for that grade.
Basically, I'm slammed with school 😒
Now, I'm rather free since I'm back with school from home, a.k.a. the terrifying online school🙁 because of the heat wave coming...
But that also means ✨early summer vacay✨
So, I'll try to post on hacks, my daily life, recipes, doggos, travelling every once a week.